Posted on Sunday, September 20, 2015 by Chris

Video: Frank Branca
Words and photos: Matt Price
Day 2 at Damn Am NYC is always a little hard to get going after a long night before. It's nothing a little power nap can't cure though!
Uncle Sam (Jared Cleland) was getting prepped for the qualifiers with these high speed nose grinds on New Yorks most urban pool coping.
Jamel Marshall was taking his front feeble all the way over the rainbow. He was the only person to go there all weekend.
Jamie Foy is a fan favorite for obvious reasons. These backside over crooks were on lock as well as a fat bag of other tricks that got him in to the finals.
Antonio Durao showed up looking way too rested for a man who one a best trick contest yesterday. I would have assumed that hangover would have stopped him from preforming today, but that was a terrible assumption. 360 flips both regular and switch went down every try.
I thought the judges scored the bag lady unfairly on her run. I know her trick was ABD like 300 times today, but she had such sick style. Bummed she didn't make the finals.
Liam McCabe was killing it all day. This backside smith over the manny pad was one of its kind.
Alex Midler couldn't get enough of the gap to rail. He stepped his game up for the finals with a flip in to a front board.
Blake Johnson stomped on some fruit in his finals run and took a fast plant over the moderately large apple. I mean it's really not that big compared to say, Blake?
In classic form, Blake forgot to drink water and cramped up during his last run. A beer and a coffin across the course should ease those legs.
Dylan Witkin came through with a heavy finals run that put him in second place. He did a whole slew of unique moves and was the only person to kick flip over the boobs!
Yoshi Tanenbaum had the best run of the day, and this flawless backside flip over the channel was only a fraction of it. He deserved every bit of that win. Good skating out there Yoshi.
After finals, Schaefer was consulting with security about who should win when the conversation veered toward who his favorite wrestler was. Turns out it was Diamond Dallas Page. Bummer that DDP wasn't skating today.
Well look who showed up to check out best trick! Erik Ellington in the flesh!
And before you could say "Tanenbaum", this 360 flip was stomped and the best trick was under way.
Dashawn Jordan pulled this hard flip out in a few trys. He lives for long stairs.
Antonio Durao was thirsty for a win after tasting blood last night at 50 Kent. This may very well be the biggest switch varial flip ever.
Next up was a frontside 360 from Dashawn Jordan. Spinning while going that fast must be terrifying.
This is the face you make when you're running down a double set at full speed.
Maurio McCoy tried this frontside flip in his run, but came up short. Thankfully he had 30 minutes to handle it during best trick.
Clint Beswick surprised everyone and took home some cash for this insane nollie flip. Skating this thing ollie is no joke.
Then when things couldn't get more exciting, Dashawn and Yoshi started a lazer flip race! Dashawn won today, but technically Yoshi won when he did it 2 years ago.
It was kind of like the space race, but not as important in the scheme of the whole world. Still awesome none the less.
Antonio proceeded to destroy this thing with an ollie backside flip. If you ever stand at the top of this thing you might pee a little at even the idea of trying this.
Oscar Meza came in a little late, but pulled off the big spin heel flip like a bawse!
With the narrow path to get back up the stairs people were nearly taking each others heads off.
Dashawn pays homage to Danny Gonzales with a kick flip melon. If you're too young to know who Danny Gonzales is then we can go with Jaws.
Just when he didn't have to do anything else, Antonio Durao ollie backside heel flipped the damn thing. Have a cigar already man. You earned it!
Oscar Meza well after time was called rolled away from a switch frontside 360! Could have been a contender if it was done in time.
Then came along the classic best trick contest hero. No where in the world is delusion more present than at an Am event Best Trick contest, but after a few attempts this guy meant business! He actually took down the gap to grind down the hubba and surprised us all!
The kids went wild! Snap chat lit up with tales of the bearded double set hero!
When you're a winner, you act like a winner, and a winner pounds a cold one with his fans after a fantastic performance. Thank god skateboarding is still weird. Let's hope we never lose people like this guy.
While the judges were deliberating we handed out some "Thanks for Nothing" awards! First were the boys from NY Skateboarding.
Then of course Dom Travis cleaned up an award for being an epic human.
This weekend couldn't have happened with out the help of KCDC and the wonderful Amy Gunther. This was more of a "Thanks for lots of things" award.
Next up, Zitzer did his best impression of the Huffington Post and told us something we already knew. Antonio Durao took the prize for first place in best trick with that crispy ass ollie backside flip.
Then we found out the top 12! Looking good boys!
The podium ended up with Dashawn in 3rd, Dylan in 2nd and Yoshi in 1st! Well played boys. It was another weekend of amazing skating and hanging with the bros. Thanks to everyone who came out and skated or watched. New York is too much damn fun!