Damn Am Woodward West 2015: Qualifiers - SPoT Life & Photos

Posted on Sunday, September 27, 2015 by Chris

Video: Frank Branca
Words and photos: Wolfgang Brardt
Robby Hargreaves planting it down! Shout out to all of our sponsors!
OG parents holding down the saloon shade.
Cody Laboy most tucked knee tuck...for sure.
JP Oliveira, kickflip backside lipsliding like a Pro.
Christian Marquardt hears style in the air.
Evan Wasser always having fun and doing rad Texas plants.
Crowd favorites like Evan Wasser getting high-fives all the way around.
Boneless like a G. Yah Dashawn!
By the look of the crowd's faces its safe to say the Damn Ams are ripping.
Lil homie got the angle and had to let mom peep.
Today was rad and Will Pousant approves.
Ducky Kovacs took Alex Midler's electric thing for a sketchy ride.
Cool kids play with rocks.
What's a little labor when your a kid just having fun?! Thanks for the rock pit homie!
Ducky then shows the kids how to have even more fun on a skateboard.
Mateo Rael does a proper kickflip frontside boardslide.
Hard tricks and sick style, Alex Hancock shreds. 180 switch nosegrind.
Yoshi Tanenbaum isn't shook by a little traffic on the course, Yosh wants it, frontside bluntslide.
The Golden ticket winners from qualifiers: 2nd place Alex Hancock 1st place Yoshi Tanenbaum. Congrats, see you players in the finals.
Dashawn waited till everyone left to start working on his moves for Sunday. Crooked grind up the hubba.
Now it's time for the Woodward West Vert Contest: Matthew Wilcox gets one of the highest backside airs.
Tuck knee invert handled by Zack Tripp.
Sari Simpson came all the way from Sydney, Australia with her crew. Thanks for making the very far trip out here!
1st Place Winner: Evan Doherty, aka Big E. Congrats on your 3rd 1st place in a row. Zitzer's psyched!
The vert podium stacked with legends Neal Hendrix and Paul Zitzer and the future generation... congratulations! In order left to right: 3rd Place Winner, Luke Russell; 1st Place Winner, Evan Doherty; 2nd Place Winner, Tate Carew.