Damn Am Japan 2023: Men's Finals Photos

Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 by Matt Shail

After an insanely hard to judge finals, Damn Am Japan is a wrap. Here's what it looked like through the lens of of the Damn Am crew photographer Matt Shail

Photos by Matt Shail
Welcome to the finals! That's our friend Daisuke, Japan's Olympic Skate coach, in the middle. Daisuke is the dude that made Damn Am Japan happen.
This is a look at the Murakami City Skatepark from the outside. Beautiful facility they have there!
This pop up van was super rad. Delicious food throughout their patio.
Ramen to go!
Time to setup a new deck. The Damn Am Japan Men's Finals are underway
Aimu takes it all the way around with his beautiful fullcab. You have to see it to believe it.
Fakie 5-0 down the rail into the bank every try? No problem for Aimu!
Wait we are heading back up the rail. Front crook this time.
Momohei showing off why he deserves to be here with a fat kickflip front board.
Kai Suematsu with that picture perfect nollie flip over the bump to bump
The stands at Murakami City Skatepark were full
Switch heel from the speed demon Raito Nema
Another hardflip from Tokiya Inamura
The homies loved it!
Frank the tank. Frank Branca getting those premium rafter angles for the finals SPoT Life. Watch it here: Damn Am Japan 2023 Finals: Presented by Cariuma– SPoT Life
I decided to copy Frank and get some shots from up top. Love the contrast on these.
Noseblunt from Tokiya
Here's one you don't see every day: varial heel backlip from Sena
Quick Monster break. Thanks for the energy to get through my 8th day of jet lag!
Raimu Abe taking this kickflip high enough to hit another rail before landing in a front lipslide.
Momohei follows him up with a hardflip into his backlip.
Takumi with the signature front bluntslide down the hubba. That thing is locked and loaded with steeze
Kikujiro really wanted his back heels to be as close to this hubba as possible. Just go over it dude!
Everyone was busting out the nollies on this one. Nollie front blunt from Aimu
Back Bennett grind with a pop out
It's not fair how good Aimu is at varial heels. They're spring loaded
Kairi Matsumoto opens his wings for takeoff on this back overcrook on the a-frame
Kairi's signature kickflip backtail never fails him.
Just like Taisei's crook nollie flip never fails him. I can't wait until he starts to nollie into these things.
Another crook nollie flip, but Raimu's this time around. I think that was his 5th board of the week.
I don't know how to take a photo of this one. Inward heel tailslide bigspin out from Kento
Sena closing out semi-finals with a heelflip front blunt
Break time! Man look at all those boards.
Paul put down 10,000 Yen on whoever could make it the farthest. Sam having a breakdown before he outdid Glancy.
These kids were adorable.
Alright let's wax this thing up and start the finals.
Another angle of Aimu's back Bennett grind. It was SO good!
Time for a rail sesh. Heelflip front blunt from Sena
This one is tied for first in favorite photos from the weekend. Got under the power of Toa's cab back noseblunt
These dudes look dusted! Let's get some sleep after this one
Hozumi Kai biggerflip front board. Sheesh
Luca could do these every try which I suppose is why he made the finals. Switch frontside flip.
Aimu tre flip catch on his way into the bank
Hozumi heads down the set with a frontside flip
These guys are pretty good. Maybe they're discussing how they are planning on taking the top two spots of the finals.
Not Taiga again! The back 180 nosegrind.
Raimu Abe leaning his way into a front noseblunt.
Momohei fully extended kickflip front 50 down the hubba.
Another angle of that perfect pinch. Front crook from Aimu
No idea how Tokiya pulled this one off, but this is moments before he landed a hardflip.
Switch 270 front board from Kento Urano.
This is when he sealed the deal for first place. Kickflip back crook down the center piece from Kento Urano.
You know that Toa had to bring the cab back noseblunt to the finals. Imagine that down Hollywood High!
I'd hate to be these guys after watching this skating. The judges with their final deliberations.
Congratulations Kento! We're off to the Netherlands.