Damn Am Volcom 2005: Saturday – Prelims

Posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 by Ryan

Damn Am at Volcom 2005 Saturday – Prelims
Words by Ryan Clements
Photos and Captions by Rob Meronek

I don't know who's doing this front crook on the flat bar
Rammy Issa has a few tricks in the Baker 3 video. He and Theotis Beasley were super nice when I met them this weekend. Here, Rammy is doing a 360 flip into the step-up
John Newport's damn name is Newport Menthols and Graham Bickerstaff's damn name is Hungover
I look way cooler on myspace.com since Lyn-Z Adams is my friend
I got to know Josiah Renn over the weekend since he was lurking everywhere around the hotel. I give his personality and this back lip on the square rail a thumbs up
It was crazy when Dyson Ramones kickflipped this long bank to bank, then he shifty flipped it perfect
Hey David Loy, don't bring that hurricane to Florida. We've had enough
Chase Webb - this kid is pretty cool and he's a rail champ. This is a backside 50-50
Chapin Atchison from Tampa and Brian Schaefer. Brian was giving his cell phone number out during the webcast and getting random sketchy calls from people
Vern Laird from Listen Skateboards - his damn name is Bryant Gumble
This is Brian Schaefer and Rob Meronek at the announcer's booth where we'd get emails from people wathing the live webcast thing during the Contest. There were some seriously funny ones being sent in
It’s all good here in sunny SoCal. Another great day weather-wise has lead to some pretty amazing skateboarding. I took advantage of some of my free time today and rolled up a bit late, but not after a proper, home-style breakfast with mimosas included.

The early part of my afternoon was spent playing blackjack in the Adio RV with Trace Saylor, Jon Goemann, Shaun Stulz, and Mario from Adio. Trace was just learning, but Goemann is quite the gambler and walked away with some of my money. From there I spent some time doing my specialty...socializing. I got to talk to some industry cool guys and punk-ass skateboarders, as well. Lizard told me that he read some stuff that I wrote about him at Phoenix Am, how he is the most marketable am in skateboarding. I’m still holding onto that claim. That kid rules.

One of the more fun things that goes down at Damn Am are the nametags that get placed on people. You know, they’re the “Hello My Name Is” ones. I think we have Rob Meronek to thank for that entertainment. Listen! Skateboards team manager, Vern Laird, was Bryant Gumble. That was a good one. I ended up as “Guilfoose.” Don’t know how that happened, but there were a couple of girls that should have had ones that read “Pro Ho.”

As for the skateboarding, it’s official: Matt Giles had the worst run out of all of the Skatepark of Tampa crew. He clocked in at a non-impressive 84th place, barely nipping by Yoshi. But then again, Tony Tave ended up in 82nd by not landing a single trick in his run. Even though he didn’t land crap, Tony has the ability to look good on a skateboard no matter what he’s doing.

I watched Terell Robinson’s run and he was on point with his gap to back lip and lipslide down the big rail. He was a kickflip backlip away from the Golden Ticket. Considering he only landed three tricks and ended up in 13th place, a couple more quality moves would have probably put him on top. I’m a big Terell fan – read his interview in the new Automatic to find out why.

I didn’t see his run, but top qualifier Vince Del Valle must have done something pretty damn good. I don’t know who the hell he is anyway, but Vince rides for the likes of Pig Wheels, Hurley, and Dekline, so someone must know the 18-year-old out of Washington.

Click here to see the rest your boys that probably didn’t make the cut.

I always get stoked when I see some pros hanging out at am events. Ed Templeton was around and even took a few runs on the course. Omar Hassan was also in attendance, along with Salman Agah, who’s one of the classiest professionals of all time. Graham Bickerstaff may not be pro, but he sure parties like a pro. And John Newport is right behind him as far as partying goes. And the partying went on properly. As the Contest ended and the placings were announced, the true partiers stayed and closed down the joint as the trash was being picked up and Volcom called it a night.

Full-on hardcore skateboarding coverage coming tomorrow.
