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Nike Demo Photos

Posted on on Monday, December 06, 2004 by Rob

Check out a few photos from the Nike Demo here at the Park

Nike Demo

Photos and captions by Rob Meronek
Todd Jordan - nollie big spin over the pyramid hip
I first met Weiger at the Damn Am back in 2001 when he could barely speak English. After about five minutes of me trying to get his last name right while checking him in to skate, he finally just said, "Just put Weiger VW." Weiger VW - backside tailslide on the long part of the pyramid flat bar
Omar Salizar, Grant Taylor, Chet Childress, Weiger VW, Paul Rodriguez, and Brian Anderson signed autographs for a very long time
Did Paul Rodriguez ever make this frontside flip over the pyramid flat bar? I don't think I saw it
Paul Rodriguez - take a poop
Paul Rodriguez - nollie flip over the pyramid hip
You can tell Grant Taylor is going to have the ability to frontside flip some gigantic gaps - big pop, knees against the chest, caught at the top
Paul Rodriguez - 360 flip over the hip
Paul Rodriguez - backside smith grind on the pyramid flat bar
This chick's crowd surfing technique in the product toss didn't work out too well
Mike Goodwine and daughter with her Angelina Jolie look a like friend
Right after I took this photo of Chet Childress, some kid behind me saw it in the preview viewfinder thing and said, "you can do 'take a poop' on that one!" Chet Childress - take a poop
Chet Childress - high speed frontside tailslide to fakie while BGP hounds get gangsta on you
This guy should star in a movie called Asian Men Can't Jump
Brian Schaefer crowd surfs on people trying to get free crap in the product toss...

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