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Pro Demo with Bryan Herman and Fred Gall in Naples

Posted on on Monday, May 02, 2011 by Rob

We hit the road to Naples with Fred Gall and Bryan Herman to do a demo there for them today.

By Rob Meronek

On the road from Tampa to Naples we passed a huge two wheeled vehicle brigade escorted by police.
Skater Profile: Officer Doofy
The autograph onslaught started as soon as we walked in. Looks like a plain old pen works just as good as a Sharpie.
Skater Profile: Fred Gall
Jereme's on this thing that almost killed Porpe last time we were here.
Skater Profile: Jereme Knibbs
Jereme Knibbs - frontside tailslide.
Skater Profile: Jereme Knibbs
I need a more powerful flash to freeze the blur of Jereme's big ass gap ollie.
Skater Profile: Jereme Knibbs
We had a game of SKATE with just about everyone in the place. That's Shelby Meyer.
Skater Profile: Shelby Meyer
Everyone, regardless of skill or shirt, was welcome to join in the game of SKATE. It made for a real fun time.
Jereme's got all types of various jumps into this steep bank. This one's an ollie over the box into it.
Skater Profile: Jereme Knibbs
Jereme half Cabbing into the bank.
Skater Profile: Jereme Knibbs
Chase and his hardflips went the distance in the games of SKATE.
Alex Brawley was the last man standing in the games of SKATE.
Skater Profile: Alex Brawley
There were tons of "I'm chilling with Bryan Herman" phone photos going down.
Skater Profile: Bryan Herman
Fred Gall's throwing out Habitat stuff in this analog product toss, but stay tuned for a Habitat Digital Product Toss. They're sending a nice box of gear.
Skater Profile: Fred Gall
I guess Naples is a rich town, but it seems they're raising some nice, appreciative kids here.
SPoT's charity, Boards for Bros, has teamed up with Emerica to help raise more stuff for the cause. Check the site for more info.
Skater Profile: Bryan Herman
The locals were killing it, too.
Skater Profile: Who Dat?
Over on Porpe's death wall, Fred Gall has an ollie up to boardslide to fakie.
Skater Profile: Fred Gall
Over on the 10-stair, someone threw down a silly trick which sparked all kinds of madness like this doubles early grab. Thanks for the entertainment.
Porpe limped away from this one. No switch ollie this time, so it's another Take a Poop.
Skater Profile: Jorge Angel aka Porpe
More entertainment down the 10-stair, this time from Alex Brawley. Fakie-hanna - wow.
Skater Profile: Alex Brawley
On the way home, somewhere between Naples and here, Fred spotted this from the road. It almost looks like Skatelite.
Skater Profile: Fred Gall
This thing is a mold for those highway sections back there. Fred's got a scary roll-in on it before he had to get on a plane an hour later.
Skater Profile: Fred Gall

Fred Gall's Wallie at the Construction Spot

Colin Clark's Footage

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