Nerdsday Thursday: Ages, Geography, and Views
on Thursday, April 18, 2013
by Rob
Today we're on the Nike campus in Beaverton, Oregon going over all kinds of things from retail goals to what we want to do with our contests and events and how we can improve our service and experience to you guys as our audience and customers. So, today's Nerdsday Thursday has a bit of a Nike focus on it as I quickly prepared some random bits of data to chew on.
By Rob Meronek
Today we're on the Nike campus in Beaverton, Oregon going over all kinds of things from retail goals to what we want to do with our contests and events and how we can improve our service and experience to you guys as our audience and customers. So, today's Nerdsday Thursday has a bit of a Nike focus on it as I quickly prepared some random bits of data to chew on.
Today we're on the Nike campus in Beaverton, Oregon going over all kinds of things from retail goals to what we want to do with our contests and events and how we can improve our service and experience to you guys as our audience and customers. So, today's Nerdsday Thursday has a bit of a Nike focus on it as I quickly prepared some random bits of data to chew on.
- The first thing we’re looking at is the views on each episode of the SPoT “20” Year Experience series. Looks like Koston won the popularity contest.
- Next is a general statistic about the average age of SPoT customers versus the average age of kids buying Nike stuff.
- Following that is a look at the average ages of customers for each shoe brand over the last five years. It’s interesting how Vans has the youngest customer and now defuct Adio has the oldest. All the ravers skewed that number I’m sure. Are you surprised at the shoe companies at the older end of the spectrum?
- Next, we take a look at where our online orders are going. California is our second biggest state and nearly equals Florida volume. What business decisions do you think we should consider given this knowledge?
- After that, we take a look at online sales by state for just shoes and you see that California is far in the lead. Again, if you have a bid’niss brain, you might see the same thing in the crystal ball as we do.
- An analysis of age by category provides some interesting details. Pads being the youngest customers is no surprise, but sunglasses? The decks category has the oldest customer. I expected that category to be about two years younger.
- Finally, we’re taking a look at the average age of customers over the years for some key shoe brands. Nike and Adidas have been up and down while Lakai and Emerica have a clear uptick to older skateboarders. Make your own conclusions on that one.
- Thanks for tuning in for another edition of Nerdsday Thursday.