First Blood: The Return of the Camo Cargo
Skater: Who Dat?.
Back here in Innetech, we've had our laughs over the re-rise of cargo pants and even crazier, camo. Browse through the New Arrivals Page and you'll find enough gear for war with a head to toe camo kit consisting of pants, hoodies, shorts that nearly sold out the day we got them in, boards, and even headphones. I have had my rants on the camo cargos in the past, too. What seals the deal for camo cargo popularity now for me is the photo you've seen making the rounds in the news. Check this kid here who can probably kickflip and might have the word MILF in his vocabulary on the cover of Time Magazine with a boob in his mouth. Wow. I wonder if he got those pants at Thanks for shopping. See you in the jungle. Now, what's the camo cargo Mayor going to do?