Old Man Bowl Jam 2005 Article at Skatepark of Tampa

Old Man Bowl Jam 2005

Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 by

Old Man Bowl Jam 2005
Photos and Captions by Rob Meronek

Visit Florida Skater.com for more information about the bowl jam.

Paul Schmitt was taking slams that would have made me get out of the bowl, but he kept skating. This is a fakie lipslide over the hip
Kelly Lynn is rocking the mandatory leopard print knee pads you see on at least one dude in every old man bowl jam
Brian Schaefer imitates the Rude Boy Walker graphic with Rude Boy Chris Baucom
This guy's name is Gar Poe. Bald + mullet = skullet. The skullet is a very rare breed of mullet for sure
Jim Webb got an award just for being Jim Webb. I don't know him, but if you get an award just for being yourself, you're probably pretty damn cool
I can't remember who the lamb chops frontside air guy is
This is Binky - the man who put this contest together. He seems very passionate about skateboarding. If my liver makes it, I hope I still have all that passion when I'm his age
Back in the day, Chris Baucom aka Rude Boy, had a pro model on Walker Skateboards. He ripped the 40 and Up Division
There's probably a few centuries of skateboarding experience in this awards line-up


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