The Moat Show Day Two, January 2010 Article at Skatepark of Tampa

The Moat Show Day Two, January 2010

Posted on Sunday, January 17, 2010 by

Rob Meronek's Photos

Photos and Captions By Rob Meronek

The editor of Frontside Grind Magazine pooped himself when he found out the best trick on the Goat Ramp was a frontside grind. This resulted in the only person under 50 ever to grace the cover. Shawn Hale here went from that low quarter to the high and back into the low.
Chris Blake - wallie noseblunt slide.
Solomon Mosley - nollie half cab flip.
Billy Birk was looking like a 30-year-old man doing H-Street tricks like frontside ollie late shuv-its and this meron grab to fakie.
Schaefer doing an interview? I wonder what awkward questions he's asking Keith Hufnagel?
Meanwhile, back at the open bar, the Asahi goes down much more smooth in a beer funnel.
For the tech center portion of the Best Trick Contest, there seemed to be as many skaters as there was people in the crowd.
This madness is pretty difficult to shoot decent photos in, so look out for Pelham's footage for what went down. Lenoce's over it like me.
Willy Akers - low to high bsts.
Fletcher Renegar - feeble grind frontside 270 out.
Shawn Hale - nollie big heel backside disaster.
Timmy Knuth - frontside feeble grind frontside 270 out.
Timmy Knuth - lookin' like Austin Seaholm.
When the show wraps up, The Goat Ramp gets hoisted up and hauled away by Tim Kulas.
The Red Bull tent and a sketchy drawbridge are all that remains after another Moat Show wraps up. See you at the next one.

Stalker Steve's Photos

Photos and Captions By Stalker Steve

The second Moat Show took place this past Tuesday and Wednesday at Skatepark of Tampa. Lots of out of town friends came out and had a good time. The Best Trick Contests were held on The Goat Ramp and tech center, respectively. Stand-outs on the Goat were Willy Akers, Shawn Hale, and Timmy Knuth, while Kevin Coakley, Shawn Hale (again), RayRay, Yonnie Cruz, and Robbie Kirkland killed the tech center. Thanks for coming everyone and we'll see you next time.

Chloe Junt was repping Shake Junt all weekend.
The Huf crew came in and gave out a big box of free hats to everyone. Thanks guys.
The 5boro posse was holding it down.
Timmy Knuth blasting a frontside crail.
Mike Peterson sailed over the Goat Ramp extension with a lien melon.
Chris Blake skated the ramp a little differently, snapping an ollie over his teammate Willy Akers and The Goat Ramp's Eric Payne. Some of Eric's best quotes were from Reservoir bar that night. When Willy Akers ordered a water before he left, Eric quipped back, "Water? Water's fer washin"! Eric also added, "I won't hit a woman, but I'll shake the hell outta her!" when a girl gave him a dirty look.
Jaws dropped when Kevin Coakley nailed this fakie flip switch crooks. Wow.
CJ Dixon rips. Gap to front smith on the Plunkett gap.
Chris Blake worked on this gap to noseslide for a solid 30 minutes, then pulled it after the judges called time on Best Trick.
Joe Pelham looked a little overwhelmed by the end of the day after trying to track down Schaefer for an interview.
Justin Ryan had a long day of meetings and didn't hesitate to open an Asahi when the work was done.
Christa Junt got a new tattoo...the Tampa skyline on her head. Gangsta.
Courtney is down for Asahi.
I walked into New York, New York and saw this posse. Left to right - Courtney, Alex Donahue, Adam Washell, Pat Stiener, and Kevin Coakley.
The 5boro crew embraced the Tampa lifestyle and got cigars.
Dave Cruz was hyped for his boy Body who just did a gig at the Improv.
Al Russell and Pat Stiener danced.
Mama is the big boss at Reservoir Bar and got to find out why Allen Russell is referred to as BIG Al.
Tim Kulas goes meron on his own ramp. Photo by Brendan McInerney.


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