SPoT Digital Product Toss: Toy Machine Autographed Johnny Layton Deck

SPoT Digital Product Toss: Toy Machine Autographed Johnny Layton Deck

Tum Yeto sent over a signed Johnny Layton deck that's up for Digital Product Toss right now. Submit a comment below about Toy Machine and you're in the running to get randomly picked to win this deck on Wednesday afternoon morning.
This DPT starts on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 and ends on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 when the winner will be picked and emailed. So far there are 213 entries.
This Digital Product Toss has expired. Check back for more soon.
Digital Product Tosses are only available for addresses in the continental United States.

Recently Added Toy Machine Products In Stock, Immediate Shipping

Thanks to Toy Machine for hooking up this DPT. Check out some of their stuff in stock right now with immediate shipping.