Damn Am Select Series Los Angeles Qualifiers Article at Skatepark of Tampa

Damn Am Select Series Los Angeles Qualifiers

Posted on Sunday, May 3, 2015 by

The math was easy. 30 percent of the dudes that skated qualifiers at the Damn Am LA stop survived to skate another day. 100 people signed up and totally went all out for it. Celebrity ams like Oscar Meza, Yuri Fuccini, and last years Damn Am of the Year Anthony Anaya were happily among the 30 that advanced through to Sunday. Congrats dudes!

Unlike the math, the skating that went down at Lincoln Park was insanely difficult. Some standouts: Nate Greenwood whose frontside 180 fakie 5-0 grinds seem to be easy pickings for him when reaching into his trick bag, Oscar Meza who skates Lincoln everyday and showed he pretty much owns the place, Antonio Durao from New York who it is IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL is a goofy footer and does switch tricks so impossible that he would have made the cut even as a regular footer, and Ethan Loy, not just the little bro NO MO. But the top two spots, and the Golden Tickets straight to Sunday’s Semi-Finals went to Mikey Papa, the Canadian graduate of a Matt Berger style school of skateboarding, and Ivan Monteiro, from Brazil, an absolute destroyer that did the 180 switch crooks and a back noseblunt down the hubba with the casual ease of someone who already knows they’ll make it before they try it.

Next up are the Semi-Finals where the top 10 will advance to meet up with the Golden Ticket dudes. Good luck to all. They’ll need it.

-Paul Zitzer

Words and photos: Bart Jones
Diego Najera gets the morning started with Nollie Backside Flips down the gap.
Gage Boyle does Backtails for breakfast! Very light and sensible.
Foundation SQUAD!! Happy Birthday Joey Ragali!!!
All eyes on Alex Midler’s Noseblunt Slide.
Eric Jones puts down the Big Gulp for a sec and puts Berronte and the crew in awe with this gap Backside 5-Oh.
This lil pup's Indian name is Wounded Paw.
Anthony Anaya gets twisted on a Backside 180 Nosegrind Back To Straight.
Dominick Walker is all smiles on this Kickflip Front Nosegrind.
Snake Run waiting area turns boy band album cover.
Robert Neal Blasts Nollie Heels over the gap like nothing!
Antonio Durao completely kills the stair and rail area, this time with a Switch Flip.
A lot of the guys must of thought it was bring your dog to contest day.
Lotta guys had the Front Blunt on the bank to barrier, but Brodie Penrod was the only one we saw slidin’ em of the end.
Yamato Kosuzu dedicated the majority of his run to getting this Melon Grab Over To Deck Check, might of only gotten him dead last but also got a lot of people’s attention as well. Hell Yea Yama!!!
A few of us have gotten our boards stolen so far this weekend, Alex Midler plays it safe and puts the rent’s on board watch duty while he hits the can.
Oscar Meza takes a break from Doggy Daycare and gets his Switch Backside 5-O on.
Really only a few guys had the ups to get the straight-over grinds... Corey Glick was one of them.
Mason Silva does the hokey pokey and shows East LA’s finest what it’s all about.
Ethan Loy might have not gotten the Fence Backside Smith in his run, but had them on lock otherwise. We’ll see one today Ethan!
Just when I thought the Bank-To-Barrier had been maxed out, Felipe Gouveia hits it with a F/S Nosegrind Stalefish!
Second place qualifier Micky Papa showed no remorse with this Kickflip Backside Noseblunt down the hubba.
Cowboys, Swiss, Yawners, Floridians, MCs, DJs, Lunchable Eaters, and skaters alike prepare to give the Semi-Final results as the day comes to an end.
The Golden Ticket winners for the day: Micky Papa and Ivan Moteiro! Rest up boys we’ll see you in the finals!!


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