Tampa Pro 2006 Skate Photos Article at Skatepark of Tampa

Tampa Pro 2006 Skate Photos

Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 by

Tampa Pro 2006 Skate Photos
Billy Marks - switch flip boardslide

Nilton Neves - ollie up to frontside 50-50 to fakie

Greg Lutzka - frontside 270 switch front blunt

Billy Marks - nollie heel flip boardslide

Mike Sinclair, Fallen Team Manager - big spin up the step up during the Team Manager and Industry VIP Contest

Jereme Rogers - fakie ollie 5-0

Ryan Sheckler - cab flipping over the hip like Bastien

Ryan Sheckler - back smith on the rail shortly after cracking his head and getting a concussion in an earlier run

Ryan Sheckler - kickflip over the 12 footer

Greg Lutzka - backside flip over the 12 footer

Jeff Lenoce - switch heel down the stair set

Jeff Lenoce - nollie heel flip over the hip

Jud Heald got up on the railing from the quarter pipe to tail drop into that bank

Jereme Rogers - fakie flip

Greg Lutzka - frontside 360 over the 12 footer

Kerry Getz - frontside half cab flip into the bank

Gershon Mosley - 360 flip over the hip

Kerry Getz - frontside 360 up the step up

I snapped this photo of Ryan Sheckler's gap to front feeble a little early - he was doing them perfect every time

Fred Gall - ollie up to back lip on the Baton Rouge wall

Danny Fuenzalida - switch flip up the step up

Dennis Busenitz - ollie up to smith grind on the Baton Rouge wall

Kyle Berard did a backside 270 off that quarter on to the wall doing a backwards smith grind - that's called a sugar cane. Not many people can do that one


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