Transworld Magazine December 2005 Media Coverage Log
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Back smith on a rail for the On the Avenue article.
Darrell Stanton FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Backside 180 over a bank to bar for the On the Avenue article.
Ryan Gallant FROM Southboro, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mecaro
Kickflip frontside noseslide sequence on a rail for a Plan B ad.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Various tricks in a skate park for a Nike ad.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside tailslide sequence on a brick bank to bar for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Pat Channita FROM Garden Grove, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Backside 180 fakie 5-0, Cab out on a bank to bench sequence for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Justin Eldridge FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Nollie flip frontside noseblunt slide on a picnic table sequence for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Tony Hawk FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Activision ad.
Jason Adams FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rhino
No comply for a CCS ad.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
360 flip manual sequence for the Trick Tip feature.
Daxter Lussier FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mecaro
Backside 180 fakie 5-0 on a ledge sequence for the Starting Point feature.
Peter Ramondetta FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Smith grind on a bike rack rail for a South Shore ad.
Nate Sherwood FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Tech Deck ad.
Taylor Smith FROM Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside air for a McDonalds ad.
Chet Childress FROM North Carolina
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside 5-0 on a bank to wall for a Sessions ad.
Harold Hunter FROM New York, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Cronan
Portrait for the Top Five feature.
Drake Jones
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Skin
Fakie 360 flip over a chain and stair set for the Back in the Day feature.
Jim Gagne FROM Greenfield, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie flip into a bank sequence for an NSS ad.
Mike Vallely FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Texas plant sequence on a quarter to deck for a Destructo ad.
Jeron Wilson FROM Van Nuys, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie laser flip manual sequence for a Grind King ad.
Karl Watson FROM Richmond, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an LRG ad.
Stevie Williams FROM Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Nixon ad.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Pommier
Switch back lip on a rail sequence for the Mandatory Information section.
Tony Hawk FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Activision ad.
Andrew Reynolds FROM Lakeland, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Nollie half cab heel flip for an Active ad (a poster).
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Krew ad.
Cairo Foster FROM Oakland, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Gap to frontside 5-0 on a rail for a Pop War ad.
Jon Allie FROM West Bend, WI, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Skin
Feeble grind on a rail for a Circa ad.
Matt Miller FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch ollie over a bump to bar for a Zoo York ad.
Chris Cole FROM Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Switch 360 flip down a big six for a Fallen ad.
Ryan Bobier FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Backside flip over a double set rail (?) for a Mystery ad.
Heath Kirchart FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside bluntslide big spin out on a handrail sequence for an Emerica ad.
Steve Berra FROM LA, Ca, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Kickflip back lip sequence on a bump to rail for an Alien Workshop ad.
Ernie Torres FROM Tulsa, OK, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Morford
Frontside nosegrind on a rail for an Adio ad.
Kyle Leeper FROM Encinitas, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Varial heel flip over a bank gap sequence for a Quiksilver ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Ollie over a rail for a Globe ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Globe ad.
Jeron Wilson FROM Van Nuys, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
360 flip noseslide on a bank to bench sequence for a DVS ad.
Kurtis Colamonico FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Deville
Backside tailslide on a red rail for a Billabong ad.
Ronnie Creager FROM Orange, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch 360 flip (?) a bump to sidewalk gap for an Etnies ad.
Jake Rupp FROM Glenrock, PA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait and a hurricane on a Jersey barrier for an Element ad.
Geoff Rowley FROM Liverpool, United Kingdom, GBR
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Bluntslide (?) on a bank to lip for an Active ad.
Geoff Rowley FROM Liverpool, United Kingdom, GBR
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Pommier
Frontside big heel sequence over a hip for a Volcom ad.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Pommier
Portrait and an ollie over a rail into a bank for a Vans ad.
Cooper Wilt FROM San Pedro, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Trinh
Kickflip over a sidewalk gap for an Almost ad.
Scott Kane FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Mob Grip ad.
Chad Bartie FROM Australia, AUS
Type: Back Cover, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside tail on a bank to wall for a World Industries ad.
Johnny Layton FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Meally
Gap to crooked grind on a double set rail for a Toy Machine ad.
Jereme Rogers FROM Boston, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Girl ad.
James Brockman FROM Lakeside, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Burnett
Backside nollie down a big six sequence for an Osiris ad.
Anthony Pappalardo
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Gap to backside nosegrind on a drop off ledge for a Lakai ad.
Chris Haslam FROM Vancouver, BC, CAN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Portrait for the Last Words feature.
Matt Field FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Uyeda
Frontside wallride nollie out on a bank to wall sequence for an Ipath ad.
Marc Johnson FROM Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Lakai/Active ad.
Diego Bucchieri FROM Buenos Aires, ARG
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for the Next Month feature.
Mike Carroll FROM Friskonia, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Lakai/Fast Forward ad.
George Newsholme FROM Adelaide, South Australia
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Frontside bluntslide on a turned over refrigerator for the Check Out feature.
Justin Eldridge FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Frontside flip (?) over a sidewalk gap for a ad.
Sumio Date FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside bluntslide on a rail for the Check Out feature.
Jeff Blue Wright FROM Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Ryan Lusteg
Back lip on a hubba for the Check Out feature.
Ronnie Creager FROM Orange, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Kickflip over a rail for a Ricta ad.
Steve Durante FROM Villas, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Switch backside tailslide on a drop off ledge for the Check Out feature.
Adam Alfaro FROM Whittier, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Crooked grind on the flat part of a double set rail for a Duffs ad.
Josh Kalis FROM Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Zumiez ad.
James Brockman FROM Lakeside, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Vestal ad.
Brian Sumner FROM Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Travis Howell
Wallie over a fence off a Jersey barrier for an Action Village ad.
Jeremy Wray FROM Placentia, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Peterson
360 flip a flat gap for an Action Village ad.
Nyjah Huston FROM Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Back smith on a rail sequence for a Silver ad.
Jon Goemann FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside 50-50 stall on a bank to fence for an Analog ad.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Blabac
Nollie backside heelflip off a loading dock bank for a Habitat ad.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Switch flip backside tailslide 360 shuv out on a ledge sequence for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Blabac
Switch front blunt on a flat bar for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Blabac
Varial heel flip down a stair set and sidewalk gap for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Blabac
Switch backside flip over a bank gap sequence for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Fakie backside nosegrind, switch heel flip out on a ledge sequence for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Switch frontside pop shuv down a big four sequence for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Blabac
Switch backside nosegrind on a bench for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Switch big flip off a bank sequence for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Blabac
Portrait for the Brian Wenning Pro Spotlight article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Gap ollie for the Basque and Free article.
Matt Mumford FROM Rockhampton, Qld, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside invert for the Basque and Free article.
Andrew Currie FROM Queensland, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Ollie up to frontside disaster on an extension for the Basque and Free article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Ollie over a wall into a brick bank sequence for the Basque and Free article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Backside to fakie ollie over a ladder on a bank for the Basque and Free article.
Chet Childress FROM North Carolina
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside ollie over a channel for the Basque and Free article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside pivot to fakie on a bank to ledge sequence for the Basque and Free article.
Manuel Palacios FROM Madrid, Spain, ESP
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside ollie on a quarter for the Basque and Free article.
Dan Drehobl FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Wall ride backside grab out for the Basque and Free article.
Andrew Currie FROM Queensland, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Back lip up an extension for the Basque and Free article.
Javier Mendizabal FROM Algorta, Basque Country
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Smith grind over a channel sequence for the Basque and Free article.
Chet Childress FROM North Carolina
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Lien to tail on a quarter pipe to hand rail for the Basque and Free article.
Scott Johnston FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Gap to 5-0 transfer on a rail for the Panoramic Photography article.
Daniel Shimizu FROM Rosemead, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Backside wallride for the Panoramic Photography article.
Willy Santos FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Frontside ollie on a bridge/bank for the Panoramic Photography article.
Brian Lotti
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
No comply wall ride for the Panoramic Photography article.
Chad Fernandez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Backside 50-50 on the Staples Center hubba for the Panoramic Photography article.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
360 flip a flat gap between two semi trailers for the Panoramic Photography article.
Caswell Berry FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Kickflip into a bank for the On the Avenue article.
Billy Rohan FROM New York, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Kickflip wall ride down a stair set bank sequence for the On the Avenue article.
Shane Cross FROM Gold Coast, Queensland, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Pop shuv down a big six for the On the Avenue article.
Lewis Marnell FROM Melbourne, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Heel flip over a bump to bar sequence for the On the Avenue article.
Javier Sarmiento FROM Vitoria, Spain, ESP
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Switch backside 360 over a flat gap sequence for the On the Avenue article.
Ronnie Creager FROM Orange, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch flip a stair set for a Blind ad.
Jon Comer FROM Dallas, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Old school backside grind nose grap in a pool for a Dakine ad.
Corey Duffel FROM Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside nosegrind on a rail for a Pig Wheels ad.
Eric Koston FROM Los Feliz, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Sentianin
Gap to backside noseblunt slide for the Beginnings feature.
John Rattray FROM Aberdeen, Scotland, GBR
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Back lip on a rail for a Zero ad.
Anthony Pappalardo
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Chocolate ad.
Danny Way FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Blabac
Mega ramp jump for a DC ad.
Mark Gonzales FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Four Star ad.
Kenny Reed FROM Niverville, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Uyeda
Gap ollie for a Planet Earth ad.
Omar Salazar FROM Sacramento, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Skin
Ollie over a rail into a skinny bank for the Contents section.
Antwuan Dixon FROM Carson, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch heel flip down a stair set for an eS ad.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Back lip on a handicap rail for a Birdhouse ad.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Front Cover, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Frontside tailslide on a huge brick bank to bar for the cover.