Slap Magazine September 2006 Media Coverage Log
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Backside 360 sequence over a sidewalk and bar gap for the Curtains feature.
Cairo Foster FROM Oakland, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Nollie half cab over a rail into a bank for the Foto feature.
Brian Delatorre FROM Miami, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Smith grind gap out on a nine stair rail for the Foto feature.
Nathan LaCoste FROM Vancouver, CAN
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Backside crailslide on an upledge for the Foto feature.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Backside flip down a three stair plus sidewalk gap for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Blunt slide sequence on a ledge for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Switch flip a dirt gap for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Frontside 50-50 on a long flat rail for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Frontside feeble on an 8 stair rail for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Frontside flip over a handicap bump to rail for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Kickflip boardslide on a 10 stair rail for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Chill shot for the Not Even a Week With Nick Dompierre article.
Russ Milligan FROM North Vancouver, BC, CAN
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Nollie half cab flip over a barrier and four stair set for a City ad.
Kyle Berard FROM Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Frontside lipslide sequence on a concrete extension for the Features section.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Back Cover, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Back smith on a 12 stair hubba for a Real ad.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Morford
Kickflip back smith sequence on a 7 stair rail for a Habitat ad.
Jereme Rogers FROM Boston, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Piscitelli
Portrait for a DVS ad.
Karl Watson FROM Richmond, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rodent
Nollie flip for a Satori ad.
Cody McEntire FROM Belton, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie inward heel sequence off a loading dock bump for a Think ad.
Matt Mumford FROM Rockhampton, Qld, AUS
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dawes
Backside 50-50 in a pool for the Gallery feature.
Robert Lim FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Peterson
Switch 360 flip down a three flat three double set for the Foto feature.
Louie Barletta FROM Modesto, CA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside heel plant type thing in a pool for the Foto feature.
Marcus McBride FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Backside flip over a driveway gap for the Foto feature.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Front board to fakie on a three flat three rail for the Cotton Candy article.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Backside flip over a over a stair set gap for the Cotton Candy article.
Nyjah Huston FROM Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Salad grind shuv it out sequence on a 10 stair rail for the Cotton Candy article.
Mike Barker FROM Simi Valley, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Gap to frontside feeble grind on a rail for the Cotton Candy article.
Nyjah Huston FROM Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Kickflip front board on a 9 stair rail for the Cotton Candy article.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Backside noseblunt slide on a bank hip to ledge for the Cotton Candy article.
Justin Eldridge FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Gap to crook on a rail for the Cotton Candy article.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside 180 over a bar and sidewalk gap for the Cotton Candy article.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Backside tailslide on a four stair set drop off ledge for the Cotton Candy article.
Rick McCrank FROM Vancouver, B.C. Canada, CAN
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Front board backside 270 out sequence on an uprail for the Cotton Candy article.
Torey Pudwill FROM Simi Valley, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Crooked grind sequence into a bank for the Central American Pirates article.
Zered Bassett FROM NYC, New York, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Backside flip over a bump for the Central American Pirates article.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Manual up to fakie manual down sequence on a bank hip for the Central American Pirates article.
Daniel Castillo FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Nollie cab manual sequence for the Central American Pirates article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Varial heelflip manual sequence for the Central American Pirates article.
Torey Pudwill FROM Simi Valley, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Nollie inward heelflip manual sequence for the Central American Pirates article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Switch heel on a bank for the Central American Pirates article.
Zered Bassett FROM NYC, New York, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Stale fish over a hip for the Central American Pirates article.
Zered Bassett FROM NYC, New York, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Manual sequence down a stair set hubba for the Central American Pirates article.
Torey Pudwill FROM Simi Valley, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Frontside flip sequence off a loading dock bump for the Central American Pirates article.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Frontside air to fakie for the Central American Pirates article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Viollet
Switch flip down a four flat four double set for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Switch backside tailslide sequence on a ledge over a grate for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Viollet
Backside noseblunt slide on a three stair ledge for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Kickflip backside smith grind sequence on a bump to table for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Unknown
Switch heel sequence down a four flat four double set for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Reda
Kickflip wallride sequence on a bank to wall for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Viollet
Switch backside heelflip over a flat gap for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dawes
Frontside 360 nosegrab sequence off a bump for the Lucas Puig article.
Lucas Puig FROM Toulouse, France, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Deberdt
Portrait for the Lucas Puig article.
80's Joe FROM Dayton, OH, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Tadashi
Nollie inward heel off a loading dock bump for a Yellow ad.
Garrett Hill FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Front board on a five flat five kinked rail for a Thunder ad.
Ian Gow FROM Tampa, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mike Derewenko
Gap back tail on a dumpster for a Skatepark of ad.
Matt Miller FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Cronan
Nollie nosegrind on a 6 stair drop off ledge for a Zoo York ad.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Nollie sequence over a 12 stair rail for a Creation ad.
Kenny Hoyle FROM Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Fakie 360 flip manual switch frontside 180 out sequence for a Venture ad.
Cairo Foster FROM Oakland, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Landi
Nollie heelflip sequence down a big four for a Lakai ad.
Chad Muska FROM Los Angeles, CA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Supra ad.
Tony Trujillo FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Rock and roll on a bank to wall for an Indy ad.
Chima Ferguson FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mapstone
Kickflip over a 15 stair rail for a Vans ad.
Sean Malto FROM Kansas City, KS, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside nosegrind on an 11 stair hubba for a Spitfire ad.
Terry Kennedy FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Krew ad.
Brian Anderson FROM Queens, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Meally
Smith grind on a curved 10 stair rail for a CCS ad.
Danny Supa FROM NYC, NY, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick for a Nike ad.
Marc Johnson FROM Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Oliver Barton
360 flip noseslide to fakie sequence on a stair set drop off ledge for a Utility ad.
Jamie Thomas FROM Dothan, AL, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Portrait for a Fallen ad.
Matt Rodriguez FROM Sacramento, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Fakie heel flip on a bank for an IPath ad.
Brian Anderson FROM Queens, NY, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Fourstar ad.
Mark Gonzales FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Fourstar ad.
Ronnie Creager FROM Orange, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Price
Switch hard flip down a grass gap for an Etnies ad.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie back heel on a bank for a Matix ad.
James Brockman FROM Lakeside, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Boardslide sequence on a crooked 15 stair rail for a Zero ad.
Dennis Durrant FROM Brisbane, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Broach
Switch flip sequence over a water gap for a Circa ad.
Pablo Carranza FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside ollie over a hip for an Anti-Hero ad.
Jon Comer FROM Dallas, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Olsen
Frontside smith grind on a ramp for a Subscribe ad.
Rune Glifberg FROM Copenhagen, Denmark, DNK
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside air in a pool for a Right Guard ad.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Connor
Portrait and a 360 flip sequence over a grass gap for an eS ad.
Ryan Gallant FROM Southboro, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Blabac
Frontside feeble grind on an 11 stair rail for a DC ad.
Josh Harmony FROM Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside tailslide on a 13 stair rail for a Fallen ad.
Nate Broussard FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Travis Howell
Frontside 5-0 on a dumpster ledge for a Planet Earth ad.
Geoff Rowley FROM Liverpool, United Kingdom, GBR
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside big heel sequence off a roof gap into a bank for a Vans ad.
Greg Lutzka FROM Milwaukee, WI, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside 270 switch front blunt sequence down a 10 stair rail for a Globe ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside flip (?) off a bank over a rail for a Volcom ad.
Jerry Mraz FROM Brooklyn, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Allen Ying
Backside nosepick on a quarter for the Inside section.
Matt Ball FROM Las Vegas, NV, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Birdhouse ad.
Jeremy Wray FROM Placentia, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rodent
Backside 180 sequence over a long flat plus three stair gap for an Adio ad.
Dan Drehobl FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside pivot on a quarter to ledge for a Krooked ad.
Daewon Song FROM Gardena, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
Blunt 360 shuv fakie sequence on a Jersey barrier for an Almost ad.