Slap Magazine August 2007 Media Coverage Log
Ryan Sheckler FROM San Clemente, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick over a 10 stair rail for a Buy Skate Shoes ad.
Ryan Sheckler FROM San Clemente, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an etnies ad.
Danny Fuenzalida FROM Miami, FL, CHI
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Tadashi
Frontside boardslide up a handrail for a Satori ad.
Dave Caddo FROM Brooklyn, NT
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Gap kickflip over a Jersey barrier for a Creation ad.
Justin Brock FROM MTA, NC, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick on an 8 stair rail for a Thunder ad.
Austyn Gillette FROM Brea, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside ollie on a bank for a Liberty ad.
Brian Hansen aka Slash FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Trinh
Kickflip frontside boardslide on an 11 stair rail for a Black Label ad.
Gilbert Crockett FROM Richmond, VA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Kickflip over a 5 flat 5 double set hubba for a Mystery ad.
Marc Johnson FROM Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Portrait for the Behind the Lens feature.
Jack Curtin FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Daughters
Frontside pop shuv nosegrind pop out sequence on a ledge for an LRG ad.
Greg Lutzka FROM Milwaukee, WI, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Front blunt in a bowl for an Oakley ad.
Jamie Thomas FROM Dothan, AL, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside 50-50 on a 10 stair rainbow rail for a Zero ad.
Omar Salazar FROM Sacramento, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Feeble grind on a loading dock handicap rail for a Spitfire ad.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Peterson
Frontside 360 boneless over a ditch gap for a Stereo ad.
Tony Cervantes FROM Whittier, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Joe Brook
One foot frontside 5-0 foot grab on a quarterpipe for a Subscribe ad.
Andrew Allen FROM San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick off a roof into a bank for an Anti-Hero ad.
David Bachinsky FROM Lowell, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside 50-50 on a 3 flat 4 double set hubba mounted rail for a Venture ad.
Josh Harmony FROM Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Front board on an 11 stair hubba for a Fallen ad.
Reese Forbes FROM Sherman Oaks, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside flip sequence over a bank hip for a Nike ad.
Russ Milligan FROM North Vancouver, BC, CAN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch frontside bluntslide on a ledge for a City ad.
Anthony Van Engelen FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
Switch frontside crooked grind sequence on a bank to ledge for a Vans ad.
Chris Haslam FROM Vancouver, BC, CAN
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Pop shuv it frontside feeble grind on a handrail for a Globe ad.
Tom Penny FROM Oxford, UK
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Flip ad.
Bill Danforth FROM Atlanta, GA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Four photos in a bowl for the Features section.
Kenny Anderson FROM Redlands, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch backside smith grind to switch backside tailslide sequence on a ledge for an Adio ad.
Dan Drehobl FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside alleyoop over a tranny channel for a Krooked ad.
Jeff Lenoce FROM Clearwater, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Switch heel off a loading dock bump for the Foto feature.
Ryan Petaishiski
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Judo air in a pool for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Cody McEntire FROM Belton, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Zaslavsky
Dolphin flip sequence over a bump to barrier for a Think ad.
Johnny Romano FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Back Cover, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside ollie a quarter pipe gap for a Real ad.
Raymond Molinar FROM Riverside, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: John Bradford
Switch feeble grind on a bump to incline rail for a Habitat ad.
Andre Genovesi FROM Newport Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Peterson
Backside 180 flip sequence over a bump to grass gap for the Curtains feature.
Johan Stuckey FROM Vero Beach, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Kickflip frontside nosegrind sequence on a six stair set hubba for a Yellow ad.
Ben Stewart
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shamanski
Frontside smith grind on a handicap ramp rail for a Satori ad.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Active ad.
Ben Raybourn FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Donez
Frontside crail grab air in a pool for a South Shore ad.
Mike Peterson FROM Jacksonville, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rhino
Frontside flip disaster on a concrete quarter for a Consolidated ad.
Clark Hassler FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
Backside flip off a semi trailer bank for the Gallery feature.
Ted Barrow
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
Backside 180 nosegrind on a 3 stair ledge for the Gallery feature.
Steve Rodriguez FROM New York, NY, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
Backside wallride on a bank to wall for the Gallery feature.
Pat Smith FROM New York, NY, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
5-0 to fakie on a bank upledge for the Gallery feature.
Robert Lopez Mont FROM Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, PRI
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
Frontside air wallride on a mini-ramp for the Gallery feature.
Brandon Westgate FROM Wareham, MA, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yuri
Backside tailslide on a ledge for the Gallery feature.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Front Cover, Editorial
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Portrait for the cover.
Bryan Herman FROM Victorville, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dawes
Hardflip sequence down a 4 stair plus flat gap for the Foto feature.
Everen Stallion FROM Bakersfield, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside 5-0 shuv it out sequence on a downhill ledge for the Foto feature.
Darrell Stanton FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Krolick
Nollie backside 180 sequence down a 14 stair set for the Foto feature.
Ryan Smith FROM Kelowna, British Columbia, CAN
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Crooked grind on an 11 stair wooded rail for the Foto feature.
Dylan Rieder FROM Westminster, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside flip sequence over a bank ditch gap for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Andrew Allen FROM San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Roll-in off a roof into a bank for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
David Clark FROM Atlanta, GA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Switch frontside wallride on a bank to wall (Brooklyn Banks) for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Dan Pensyl FROM Brooklyn, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside lipslide on a bank to wall for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Dylan Rieder FROM Westminster, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Backside tailslide on a bank for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Frank Gerwer
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Front board on a 13 stair rail for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Daniel Snowy Kinloch
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Varial flip off a handicap bump for the Static article.
Ryan McWhirter aka Peabody FROM Lake Forrest, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Frontside pivot on a tranny to wall for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Dan Pensyl FROM Brooklyn, NY, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Backside tailslide to fakie sequence on an over vert pocket for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Switch back lip on a handicap rail for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Andrew Allen FROM San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Joe Brook
Ollie over a guard rail into a bank for the Hello Egg Sandwich article.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Frontside boneless to wallride sequence on a bank to wall for the Skate-Folio article.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Pop shuv over a bank to bank for the Skate-Folio article.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Peterson
Frontside 5-0 to lipslide sequence on a bank for the Skate-Folio article.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Peterson
Frontside wallride slob grab on a bank to wall for the Skate-Folio article.
Chris Pastras FROM Metuchen, NJ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Bryce Kanights
Portrait for the Skate-Folio article.
Tony Manfre FROM Sonoma, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Kickflip over a rail into a bank for the Static article.
Nick Jensen FROM London
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominic Marley
Frontside ollie over a bank gap for the Static article.
Pat Stiener FROM Lakeland, FL, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Backside nosegrind gap backside 180 out on a stack ledge for the Static article.
Nate Broussard FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Travis Howell
Kickflip noseslide 270 out sequence on a bank for the Static article.
Soy Panday
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Frontside tailslide sequence on a stairset ledge into a bank for the Static article.
Danny Renaud FROM Miami, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Frankie
Frontside flip off a bump over a rail for the Static article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yoon
Switch 360 flip sequence down an 11 stair set for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yoon
Switch crooked grind off a loading dock to electrical box for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Switch flip noseslide sequence on a 10 stair hubba for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yoon
Portrait for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Boardslide on a 6/7/7 triple set banked hubba for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Switch flip boardslide to forward sequence on a 10 stair rail (Wilshire) for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yoon
Nollie 360 flip sequence down a 10 stair set for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Indy nosebone over a brick bump for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Supra pull out poster Active ad.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chad Muska
Ollie out to backside wallride sequence on a truck for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Yoon
Portrait for the Jim Greco Interview article.
Kevin Taylor FROM Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside noseslide on a 9 stair rail for a Zoo York ad.
Ian Gow FROM Tampa, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rob Meronek
Switch heel down a grass gap for a Skatepark of Tampa ad.
Chris Haslam FROM Vancouver, BC, CAN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
Hurricane grind sequence on a bank to wall ledge for a Bones ad.