The Skateboard Mag December 2006 Media Coverage Log
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Scurich
Frontside bluntslide on a 14 stair rail for a Bones ad.
Aaron Homoki aka Jaws FROM Phoenix, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Roof gap ollie sequence for the Blackout feature.
Raymond Molinar FROM Riverside, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside half cab noseslide switch backside flip out sequence on a curved bench for a Habitat ad.
Jeff Lenoce FROM Clearwater, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie sequence over a 12 stair rail for a Baker ad.
Leo Romero FROM Fontana, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Gap to back lip on a double set rail for a RVCA ad.
Mikey Taylor FROM Newbury Park, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside boardslide on a 14 stair rail for an Ogio ad.
Bobby Puleo FROM Clifton, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Allen Ying
Backside 180 fakie 5-0 transfer sequence on a bank for an IPath ad.
Erik Ellington FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Ollie over a double set rail for an Active ad.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Krew ad.
Anthony Shetler FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Switch crooked grind on a 7 stair rail for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Backside lipslide to firecracker on a stair set ledge for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
David Loy FROM Santa Ana, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside nosegrind on a 9 stair rail for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Brandon Westgate FROM Wareham, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Backside kickflip 360 sequence over a hip for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Jon Goemann FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside crail grab air over a hip for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Chris Trembley
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Pole jam stale fish grab gap out for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Brian Sumner FROM Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside nosepick on a bank to ledge for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Brandon Westgate FROM Wareham, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Kickflip out of a bump to grass gap for the Tellin' Tall Tales article.
Zach Lyons FROM Bowie, Maryland, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Rodent
Front rock on a Jersey barrier for the What's the Story article.
Zach Lyons FROM Bowie, Maryland, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Rodent
Frontside 270 backside lipslide 270 out sequence on a bank for the What's the Story article.
Zach Lyons FROM Bowie, Maryland, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Rodent
Boardslide to switch frontside crooked grind sequence on a ledge for the What's the Story article.
Zach Lyons FROM Bowie, Maryland, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Rodent
Frontside nosegrind on a ledge across the corner of a third story open building for the What's the Story article.
Daniel Shimizu FROM Rosemead, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Smith grind on a Jersey barrier for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Alex Olson FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Flat gap ollie over a bar for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Switch backside tailslide switch backside flip out sequence on a 4 stair drop off ledge for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Alex Olson FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Frontside flip sequence over a street gap for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Cesar Gordo
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Kickflip to fakie over a tranny gap for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Dan Murphy FROM Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Nollie backside 180 on a bank for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Rodrigo Petersen FROM Curitiba, Brazil, BRA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Jon Humphries
Switch crooked grind on a ledge for the Falling Off the Face of the Light Table article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside lipslide shuv it out sequence on a ledge for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Back smith on a long three stair rail for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Nollie pop shuv sequence over a 9 stair rail for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Gap to nosebonk drop off sequence for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Gap to nosebonk drop off for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Backside 50-50 on a 7 flat 7 double set hubba for the New Jack article.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Portrait for the New Jack article.
Mike Barker FROM Simi Valley, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Backside flip off a loading dock for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Backside flip sequence over a flat gap for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Smith grind on a bank to bar for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Justin Eldridge FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Nollie frontside 5-0 sequence on a 9 stair rail for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Rick McCrank FROM Vancouver, B.C. Canada, CAN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Switch frontside 5-0 on a 9 stair rail for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Nollie crooked grind sequence on a bank to ledge for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Sean Malto FROM Kansas City, KS, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Nollie flip down a 4 flat 5 double set for the Cutting to the Chase article.
Shuriken Shannon FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Donez
Backside tailslide on a ledge for an Osiris ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mapstone
Backside 180 over a handicap bump to bar for a Volcom ad.
Al Partanen FROM Milwaukee, WI, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Fick
Lien melon on a vert ramp for the That's What We're Doin' article.
Zarosh Eggleston FROM Monterey
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Fick
Boneless from a roof into a vert ramp for the That's What We're Doin' article.
Darren Navarette FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Method air on a vert ramp for the That's What We're Doin' article.
Sean Malto FROM Kansas City, KS, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Gap to backside overcrook on a 7 stair rail for the Activities Such as These article.
Ernie Torres FROM Tulsa, OK, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Backside 360 sequence down a 7 stair set for the Activities Such as These article.
JJ Rousseau
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Backside 180 nosegrind on a ledge for the Activities Such as These article.
Ali Boulala FROM Lyon, FRA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Switch heelflip manual sequence on a picnic table for the Activities Such as These article.
Jani Laitiala FROM Helsinki, Finland, FIN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Backside nosegrind on a dumpster for the Activities Such as These article.
Ryan Smith FROM Kelowna, British Columbia, CAN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Frontside nosepick on a tranny to flat bar for the Activities Such as These article.
Marquise Preston FROM Palmdale, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Frontside big spin sequence down a 4 flat 4 double set for the Activities Such as These article.
Kyle Leeper FROM Encinitas, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Frontside 180 nosegrind on a brick tranny to ledge for the Activities Such as These article.
Arto Saari FROM Seinajoki, Finland, FIN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Kickflip frontside nosepick sequence on a ramp extension for the Activities Such as These article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Backside 50-50 sequence on a 6/7/7 triple set rail for the JT Interview article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Feeble grind gap out on a 13 stair cut off rail for the JT Interview article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Backside 180 over a hip for the JT Interview article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Noseblunt slide sequence on a picnic table on a bank for the JT Interview article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Backside tailslide on a 10 stair hubba for the JT Interview article.
JT Aultz FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dominick
Portrait for the JT Interview article.
Kenny Reed FROM Niverville, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Antton Miettinen
Backside 5-0 gap out on a 10 stair flat rail for a Planet Earth ad.
Ben Gore FROM Pompano, FL, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Frankie
Kickflip over a bump to street gap for a Billabong ad.
Bryan Herman FROM Victorville, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Hard flip sequence over a bump to grass gap for an Emerica ad.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Kickflip down a 4 flat 5 double set for the These Days article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Flat gap ollie for the These Days article.
Danny Cerezini FROM Long Beach, California, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Kickflip backside lipslide on a 9 stair rail for the These Days article.
Brandon Westgate FROM Wareham, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Backside 50-50 on a five stair set drop off flat rail for the These Days article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Frontside 5-0 on a four flat four double set rail for the These Days article.
Aaron Suski FROM Tucson, AZ, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Portrait for the These Days article.
Dennis Busenitz FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Portrait for the These Days article.
Dennis Busenitz FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Ollie over a wall on a bank for the These Days article.
Darrell Stanton FROM Houston, TX, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Landi
Ollie over a hubba for the These Days article.
Ryan Sheckler FROM San Clemente, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Portrait for the 10 Ways article.
Ryan Sheckler FROM San Clemente, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside tailslide frontside flip out sequence on a picnic table for the 10 Ways article.
Leo Romero FROM Fontana, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Adam Conway
Kickflip over a loading dock bump for the Timbre feature.
Van Wastell FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Deville
Gap to frontside tailslide shuv it out sequence on a six stair set ledge for a Vans ad.
Braydon Szafranski FROM Las Vegas, NV, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Ambiguous ad.
Rodrigo Petersen FROM Curitiba, Brazil, BRA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie crooked grind sequence on a yellow flat rail for a Nike SB ad.
Mark Gonzales FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Morford
Gap ollie for a CCS ad.
Andy Drennan
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Price
Face plant bail shot for a Subscribe ad.
Karl Watson FROM Richmond, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch front board to fakie 5-0 sequence on a ledge for an LRG ad.
Mike Peterson FROM Jacksonville, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Beau Crum
Frontside disaster in a pool for a Consolidated ad.
Chad Muska FROM Los Angeles, CA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Supra ad.
Manny Santiago FROM Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, PRI
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Big spin boardslide sequence on a 12 stair rail for a Shorty's ad.
Brian Sumner FROM Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Analog ad.
Gareth Stehr FROM Auckland, New Zealand
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Ollie over a stair set plus flat bar gap for a Pig Wheels ad.
Dennis Durrant FROM Brisbane, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Rory Lamb
Frontside nosegrind nollie flip out sequence on a curved bench for a Circa ad.
Sierra Fellers FROM Whitefish, MT, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch heelflip sequence over and 8 stair rail for a Circa ad.
Anthony Schultz FROM Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Travis Howell
Crooked grind gap out on a ledge for an Adio ad.
Louie Barletta FROM Modesto, CA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Krux ad.
Danny Garcia FROM Brea, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an eS ad.
Mike Hastie FROM Vancouver, B.C., Canada, CAN
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Brian Caissie
Frontside 50-50 on a 5 flat 5 double set rail for a Darkstar ad.
Matt Contreras FROM Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Ryan Flynn
Fullpipe carve for the Exposed feature.
Lee Bender FROM Orland, IN, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Price
Frontside 50-50 on a rainbow rail for the Exposed feature.
Matt Pailes
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Hutchison
Backside 5-0 on a 12 stair hubba for the Origins feature.
Dustin Dollin FROM Collingwood, Victoria, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Dawes
Gap to backside 50-50 on a four flat seven double set hubba for a Vans ad.
Dallas Rockvam FROM Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Feeble grind on a 28 stair rail for an Element ad.
Steve Caballero FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Powell ad.
Jocko Weyland
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Rob Erickson
Back smith in a bowl for the Guest Ed feature.
Arto Saari FROM Seinajoki, Finland, FIN
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick off a bump to sawhorse for a Quiksilver ad.
Kevin Taylor FROM Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch frontside flip a sidewalk gap for a Royal ad.
Sean Malto FROM Kansas City, KS, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Blabac
Nollie backside nosegrind sequence on a 10 stair hubba for a DC ad.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside lipslide on a 21 stair rail for a Zero ad.
Raymond Molinar FROM Riverside, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch backside flip over a flat gap for a Rvca ad.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Fakie pop shuv switch frontside 5-0 frontside shuv out sequence on a ledge for a Fourstar ad.
Neil Heddings
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Dave Swift
Lien air in a bowl for the Initial Remarks feature.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Kickflip bluntslide to fakie sequence on a 10 stair rail for a Fallen ad.
Brian Wenning FROM Monmouth Beach, NJ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch flip backside tailslide big spin out sequence on a ledge for a Plan B ad.
Arto Saari FROM Seinajoki, Finland, FIN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside 5-0 to boardslide sequence on an up/down ledge for a Fury ad.
Kevin Spanky Long FROM Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Atiba Jefferson
Frontside boardslide backside 270 out sequence on a bank to table for the Contents section.
Shane Cross FROM Gold Coast, Queensland, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Frontside 50-50 on a bank to loading dock ledge for the Contents section.
Geoff Rowley FROM Liverpool, United Kingdom, GBR
Type: Front Cover, Editorial
Photographer: Pommier
Frontside flip over a construction gap for the cover.
Lamare Hemmings FROM Hollywood, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Reda
Fakie 360 flip down a 10 stair set for a DVS ad.