Transworld Magazine February 2007 Media Coverage Log
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Fakie inward heelflip sequence over a bank hip for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Frontside bluntslide on a bank to Jersey barrier for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Fakie pop shuv to fakie 5-0 180 out sequence on a round bar for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Heelflip sequence over a bump to bar for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Frontside 180 to switch crooked grind on a bank for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Portrait for the Pro Spotlight article.
Dustin Dollin FROM Collingwood, Victoria, AUS
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Keren Freeman
Portrait for a Vans ad.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Crooked grind gap out sequence on a 12 stair set drop off ledge for the Still Breezing article.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Frontside flip off a bank into a ditch for the Still Breezing article.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Cab backside tailslide sequence on a bump to table for the Still Breezing article.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Portrait for the Still Breezing article.
Stefan Janoski FROM Vacaville, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Gap switch flip nose manual sequence on an upledge for a Nike ad.
Al Partanen FROM Milwaukee, WI, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Joe Hammeke
Lein melon on vert for an S-One ad.
Silas Baxter-Neal FROM Portland, OR, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Connor
Back lip up and upledge for a Pharmacy ad.
Kyle Berard FROM Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Morris
Frontside nosepick in a pool for a Dakine ad.
Ray Barbee FROM San Jose, California, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
No comply sequence over a ledge for the How To feature.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick on a 9 stair rail for a Krux ad.
Brian Lotti
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Backside wallride for the Back in the Day feature.
Danny Supa FROM NYC, NY, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Yoon
Nollie big heel sequence over a bank hip for a Grind King ad.
Chad Muska FROM Los Angeles, CA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shad Lambert
Portrait for the Home Page feature.
Fabrizio Santos FROM Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Unknown
Noseslide on a 10 stair hubba for a Destructo ad.
John Cardiel FROM San Jose, California, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Skin
Portrait for the Top Five feature.
Corey Duffel FROM Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Zumiez ad.
Scott Kane FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Jerome Kumolka
Nollie backside big spin sequence off a bump for a Mada ad.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Supra ad.
Cody McEntire FROM Belton, TX, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Nollie backside big spin sequence down a 4 flat 4 double set for the Damn Am article.
David Loy FROM Santa Ana, CA, USA
Type: Half Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Ollie up to frontside 5-0 sequence on a quarter to ledge for the Damn Am article.
Zered Bassett FROM NYC, New York, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Cronan
Backside flip off a bump for a Zoo York ad.
Rick Howard FROM Vancouver Lakers, Canada, CAN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Unnamed trick over a flat gap for a CCS ad.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Nixon ad.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Frontside pop shuv manual frontside big spin out sequence for an LRG ad.
Nick Trapasso FROM Phoenix, AZ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Big flip sequence down a 5 flat 5 double set for a Toy Machine ad.
Tony Tave FROM Lake Forest, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Broach
Nollie crooked grind sequence on a ledge for a Circa ad.
Dylan Rieder FROM Westminster, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Spoon
Nollie halfcab flip sequence into a bank for an Alien Workshop ad.
Billy Marks FROM Corona, CA , USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Kickflip crooked grind on a 9 stair rail for a Fallen ad.
Heath Kirchart FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Emerica ad.
Cooper Wilt FROM San Pedro, CA, USA
Type: Back Cover, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
Ollie over to 5-0 to fakie sequence on a bank for an Almost ad.
Mike Carroll FROM Friskonia, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside 5-0 frontside bigspin out sequence on a bank ledge for a Fourstar ad.
Eric Koston FROM Los Feliz, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Lakai ad.
Erik Ellington FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Portrait for the Last Words feature.
Levi Brown FROM Fountain Hills, AZ, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Kickflip on a bank for an Element ad.
Jack Sabback FROM Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Uyeda
Front rock on a bank to wall for an Ipath ad.
Alex Carolino FROM Curitiba, Brazil, BRA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Switch pop shuv over a flat gap for a Santa Cruz ad.
Daniel Shimizu FROM Rosemead, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Portraits for the Next Month feature.
Louie Barletta FROM Modesto, CA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Duffs ad.
Ben Fisher
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Cab sequence off a loading dock bump for the Check Out feature.
Stefan Janoski FROM Vacaville, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Landi
Frontside 180 fakie 5-0 180 out sequence on a bump to loading dock for a Habitat ad.
Massimo Cavedoni FROM Irvine, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Nollie heelflip frontside noseslide sequence on a stair set drop off ledge for the Check Out feature.
Gareth Stehr FROM Auckland, New Zealand
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Back lip on a 13 stair rail for a Dekline ad.
Adrian Mallory FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Dominick
Ollie over a 12 stair double hand rail for a Vox ad.
Kyle Leeper FROM Encinitas, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Frontside bluntslide transfer on a bank to bank for the Sightings feature.
Jerry Hsu FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Meally
Crooked grind on a loading dock bar for the Sightings feature.
Elissa Steamer FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Backside 180 over a fence gap for the Sightings feature.
Diego Bucchieri FROM Buenos Aires, ARG
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Tuck knee ollie over a ditch hip for the Sightings feature.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Bigspin frontside boardslide sequence on a 10 stair rail for the Japanimated article.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Kickflip frontside noseslide on a 9 stair rail for the Japanimated article.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Crooked grind on an 8 stair kinked rail for the Japanimated article.
Caswell Berry FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Big spin boardslide to fakie sequence on an 8 stair hubba for the Japanimated article.
Caswell Berry FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Fakie pump frontside grab on tranny for the Japanimated article.
Chima Ferguson FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Switch backside heelflip sequence down a 10 stair set for the Japanimated article.
Martin Tremblay FROM Jonquiere, Quebec, CAN
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Travis Howell
Wallride frontside shuv it sequence on a bank to wall for the Check Out feature.
James Hardy FROM Madison, AL, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Nollie frontside feeble grind sequence on a 9 stair rail for the Check Out feature.
Arto Saari FROM Seinajoki, Finland, FIN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for an Action Village ad.
Nick Dompierre FROM New Bedford, MA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Kickflip sequence over a bar gap plus sidewalk for a Skate Warehouse ad.
Steve Caballero FROM San Jose, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Vestal ad.
Terry Kennedy FROM Long Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Baker ad.
Forrest Kirby FROM Miami, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: O'Connor
Portrait for the Guest Reviewer feature.
Paul Rodriguez FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mecaro
Nollie flip over a flat bar gap for a South Shore ad.
Jim Greco FROM LA, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Krew ad.
Ryan Bobier FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside bluntslide on a 9 stair set drop off ledge for a Mystery ad.
Steve Nesser FROM Minneapolis, MN, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: O'Connor
Backside ollie over a brick hip with a planter gap for an Adio ad.
Dylan Rieder FROM Westminster, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Backside nosegrind on a stairset ledge for a Quiksilver ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Kickflip over an 11 stair hubba for the Japanimated article.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Frontside heelflip sequence over a fence gap for the Japanimated article.
Brandon Westgate FROM Wareham, MA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Back smith on a handicap rail for the Japanimated article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Fakie nosegrind 180 out on a flat bar drop off for the 20 Questions article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Big spin frontside tailslide sequence on a ledge for the 20 Questions article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Fakie flip on tranny for the 20 Questions article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Nollie backside heelflip sequence over a bank hip for the 20 Questions article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Switch frontside boardslide on a flat bar for the 20 Questions article.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Chami
Portrait for the 20 Questions article.
Jon Allie FROM West Bend, WI, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside tailslide on a 9 stair hubba for the Band of Brothers article.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Backsdie flip sequence into a bank for the Band of Brothers article.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Nollie crooked grind sequence on a 9 stair rail for the Band of Brothers article.
Adrian Lopez
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Half cab flip into a bank for the Band of Brothers article.
Adrian Lopez
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside 180 nosegrind frontside 180 out sequence on a drop off ledge for the Band of Brothers article.
Ryan Bobier FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
5-0 to fakie 5-0 sequence on a bank for the Band of Brothers article.
John Rattray FROM Aberdeen, Scotland, GBR
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Fakie stalefish grab pump on a vert wall for the Band of Brothers article.
Garrett Hill FROM Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside 50-50 kickflip out sequence on a drop off ledge for the Band of Brothers article.
Tommy Sandoval FROM Chula Vista, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Shigeo
Frontside 180 down a 5 flat 10 double set for the Band of Brothers article.
Stevie Williams FROM Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Frontside flip over a flat gap for the Spot-taneity article.
Kevin Spanky Long FROM Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Frontside flip over a flat gap for the Spot-taneity article.
Andrew Reynolds FROM Lakeland, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Switch 360 flip sequence over a flat gap for the Spot-taneity article.
Chad Muska FROM Los Angeles, CA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Frontside pop shuv over a flat gap for the Spot-taneity article.
Erik Ellington FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Editorial
Photographer: Trinh
Switch flip over a flat gap for the Spot-taneity article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Fakie 5-0 on a 5 stair rail for the Pro Spotlight article.
Guy Mariano FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Cab flip sequence on tranny for the Pro Spotlight article.
Paul Machnau FROM Vancouver, Canada
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside 5-0 on a 7 flat 5 double set rail for a Globe ad.
Chico Brenes FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Reda
Varial heelflip over a flat gap for a DVS ad.
Bucky Lasek FROM Encinitas, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Nollie half cab flip frontside tailslide sequence on vert for a Billabong ad.
Ali Boulala FROM Lyon, FRA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Frontside 180 sequence into a quarterpipe for an etnies ad.
Ali Boulala FROM Lyon, FRA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Portraits for an Etnies ad.
Louie Barletta FROM Modesto, CA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Mark Whiteley
Backside wallride shuv it out sequence on a bank to wall for an Ezekiel ad.
Jorge Comelli FROM Los Angeles, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Trinh
Varial heelflip sequence down a gap and a chill shot for a World Industries ad.
Chris Troy FROM Carlsbad, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Daughters
360 flip down a 5 flat 6 double set for a Black Label ad.
Mark Appleyard FROM Huntington Beach, CA, CAN
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Hardflip backside 5-0 sequence on a 3 stair set bank for a Volcom ad.
Dylan Rieder FROM Westminster, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Acosta
Frontside noseblunt slide backside revert sequence on a bank for a Vans ad.
Andrew Reynolds FROM Lakeland, FL, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Unnamed trick down a 12 stair set for an Active ad.
Cairo Foster FROM Oakland, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside noseslide on a 6 stair set drop off ledge for a Ricta ad.
Elissa Steamer FROM San Francisco, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside stalefish in a fullpipe for a Zero ad.
Ronnie Creager FROM Orange, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Tensor ad.
Rodney Mullen FROM Hermosa Beach, CA, USA
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Portrait for a Tensor ad.
Jesus Fernandez FROM Barcelona, Spain, ESP
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Backside 180 fakie 5-0 half cab flip out sequence on a ledge for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Lenny Rivas FROM San Diego, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Daughters
Nollie inward heelflip nosemanual on a 3 up/down manny pad for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Mark Appleyard FROM Huntington Beach, CA, CAN
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Nollie big spin cannonball grab sequence on a tranny to wall for the 9 Frames Per Second feature.
Jack Sabback FROM Philadelphia, PA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Frankie
Nollie backside 180 off a handicap bump over a bar for a Planet Earth ad.
Morgan Smith FROM Toronto, Ontario, CAN
Type: Full Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Gils
Fakie 5-0 sequence on a ledge for a Blind ad.
Shane Cross FROM Gold Coast, Queensland, AUS
Type: Two Page, Editorial
Photographer: Oliver Barton
Frontside flip off a bump for the Contents section.
Bobby Worrest FROM DC, DC, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Unknown
Frontside heelflip sequence on flat for an eS ad.
David Loy FROM Santa Ana, CA, USA
Type: Two Page, Advertisement
Photographer: Chris Ortiz
Hurricane on a 12 stair rail and a chill shot for a Birdhouse ad.
Jake Duncombe FROM Sydney, Australia, AUS
Type: Front Cover, Editorial
Photographer: Mapstone
Backside flip off a bank over a railing for the cover.